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The Gohonzon
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SGI-USA: Fort Worth, Texas

Devotion-Mystic Law-Cause & Effect-Sound

Nam (devotion) means to fuse one's life with the universal law;

Myoho (Mystic Law) is the fundamental principle of the universe: the Dharma;

Renge (lotus flower) refers to the lotus, which blooms and seeds at the same time, symbolizing the simultaneity of cause and effect; and

Kyo (sutra, or teaching of a Buddha) broadly indicates all phenomena or the activities of all living beings.

Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo helps us to manifest Buddhahood in our own life, eradicate the bad karma we have accumulated, and frees us from illusion. It is totally egalitarian in that it can be practiced by anyone, anywhere, any time. It is the most fundamental part of the practice of Buddhism, which expresses the ultimate truth of life and allows each individual to tap into her innate enlightened nature.

When we chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, the seed of Buddhahood planted deep within us awakens. Gradually, all of the negative causes we have made in the past are eradicated and replaced. SGI members report positive changes in their daily life experiences as a manifestation of correct faith and practice. Illnesses are cured, family relations improve, various bad circumstances are overcome, and bad habits are ended. This is our karma changing for the better. Gradually, we are able to see that our own happiness is interconnected to the happiness of all others.

Million Daimoku Chart from Etherbods

"So long as you maintain strong faith, resolutely chanting daimoku to the Gohonzon no matter what happens, then without fail you will be able to lead a life of complete fulfillment."
-President Ikeda